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climate-positive coffee is practical yet efficient nature-based climate solution, buy our beans for home brewing to participate in our annual eco-challenge

Let's help each other achieve this year's goal of capturing 10 tonnes of greenhouse gases from our environment by buying freshly roasted specialty coffee from us. Our Coffee Artist Praveen Ponraj roasts all the coffee we sell from our zero-waste roastery studio located in Green Cuisine, Downtown Victoria, and we use the most sustainable electric coffee roasting machine powered by 100% renewable energy to roast Certified Climate-Positive Coffee, which helps coffee forests capture 300g of greenhouse gases from our environment. To ensure the artisanal value and highest quality possible, we only roast 1 kilogram at a time. Scroll down to buy coffee, or click this button to learn more.


kilograms of greenhouse gases captured so far this year


    Look out for the owl!

    We gratefully acknowledge that we currently live, play, and work on the unceded traditional territory of the Lekwungen-speaking peoples, known as the Songhees and Esquimalt Nations. We honor and respect the rich history, cultural heritage, and ongoing contributions of the Indigenous communities who have stewarded this land for generations. We are committed to learning, listening, and standing in solidarity with these Nations as we continue our operations on this sacred land. We also express our gratitude to the Old Growth Trees that once stood strong, supporting the livelihood of humans and animals, before being sacrificed to create space for our present-day operations. We are privileged to inherit the genetic gifts from our elders who protected our culture, revered nature, and harnessed the benefits of biodiversity and forest.


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